Saturday, September 29, 2007


I'm confessing this to the readers of this blog, who are mostly the people I am closest to. I have realized once again something that I wake up to every once in a while: I am living for one thing ... and it is not the right thing. I live to check things off my to-do list. I am uncomfortable unless I am getting something done. This keeps me up tight much of the time and hard for me to relax.

I forced myself to go fishing yesterday. I spent the morning working from home, then took off for Stockton Lake about 1:30. Caught a bunch of small bass, largest 12 inches. But it was a nice day and I enjoyed it. I need to get away (physically and mentally) more often.

I realized something else yesterday. Though my dad has been gone a long time, every time I go fishing, he is with me. Not once since Dad passed away have I gone fishing without thinking of him. That is a testimony to a great dad who took the time to build strong memories with his son.

Another way I think of him when I fish. He frequently told me, "Always leave it [the place where you fish] at least as good as you found it." The "at least" meant to pick up some trash if you can and leave it better, especially discarded line that can harm wildlife. So I brought three big wads of discarded monofilament home yesterday. I'm doing what you taught me, dad. I try to do a little litter patrol each time I fish.