Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas All

A Merry Christmas from my family's archives. Below is a family Christmas card actually more ancient than I.
Vintage Christmas Card

This next one was given to my mother from my father in the 1930s.
Vintage Christmas Card

Peggy has made many handmade ornaments over the years, like this one hanging on her parents' tree in 2004.

Chiesa Di S. Nicolo
Peggy and I once visited the Church of St. Nicholas! And, yes, it is that St. Nicholas. The 4th-century Bishop Nicholas of Myra, Turkey, who was generous, loved children and probably gave toys to tots. Early legend has him riding a white horse and throwing coins through open windows to impoverished families. He eventually became the Dutch "Sinter Klaas" and after they settled in New Amsterdam (now New York), that was corrupted to "Santa Claus."

There are many such churches. This one is in Padua (Padova), Italy.

Peggy and I are lovers of felines. Many cats have taken part in our Christmas festivities over the years:
Haaappppy Christmas!
Meowy Christmas
And to all, a good night.