Friday, February 27, 2009

One More Day at the Hospital

We were up before 5 this morning to get Peggy to the hospital to check in by 5:30. Peggy had a "Power Port" surgically implanted by the same surgeon who did her breast cancer surgery. This will be the means for delivery of the chemo over the next 4 months. This avoids searching for veins each time. It is larger than we anticipated. Peg slept several hours after we got home, then got to bed early. She's experiencing some pain but doing pretty well over all. One more step down.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Les Connell & Gideons in Nigeria

My friend Les Connell from Oregon is a very active Gideon, a ministry that distributes Bibles. Last November Les was in Nigeria for 2 weeks.

Les says: "The first photo here is of a Nigerian student who after I addressed an assembly of 1800, came to me and asked how she could find Jesus. I had the honor of leading her to Him. She leaned her little head on my chest as another Gideon snapped this photo."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Headline Bloopers

Every time I do a writing seminar I share from my huge file of bloopers. Most of these I have gleaned firsthand. A few have come from other sources. I picked up these priceless gems from another writer last year. All were headlines actually in print.

Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half

Prostitutes Appeal to Pope

Red Tape Holds up New Bridges

Collegians Are Turning to Vegetables

Miners Refuse to Work After Death

Enraged Cow Injures Farmer with Ax

Obesity Study Seeks Larger Test Group

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Havasupai Indian Home, Grand Canyon 1969

Continuing my vintage photo restoration. This is a great shot, perhaps taken by Peggy in 1969 on one of their many YMCA trips down the Grand Canyon. There's a whole photo album of these ... small, faded photos that hold wonderful memories when scanned and given a little tender loving care. Peggy thinks she sat in front of this house learning and doing bead work.
Havasupai Indian Home, Grand Canyon 1969

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Peggy's Chemo

We just got back from Peggy's chemo evaluation. It was not the news we wanted to hear but we know the Lord is in control. Because the tumor was large and fast-spreading they will administer the most aggressive chemo regimen. She will lose her hair and other side effects are likely. But we are OK, because they are saying this will give her the greatest chance at long term survival. They will surgically imbed a port that will be used to administer her treatments, and they will test her heart prior to beginning. The whole process should last 7 months (including a max radiation regimen after chemo). Thanks so much for all the prayer.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Shop, Kabul

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I shot this in Afghanistan in 2004.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I was recently "tagged" on Facebook by three friends to write and share "25 Random Things About Me." The "25 Things" list has been circulating among Facebook friends. Mine aren't too interesting but since this is my personal blog, here they are.

1. I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area.

2. I have taught theology on the under-graduate and graduate levels at Simpson College, a Christian and Missionary Alliance school … as well as other schools.

3. I was on the wrestling team in high school and once defeated the California state champion in the 165-pound class.

4. I hated history until I went to seminary and took Church history. Then I fell in love with it.

5. I have two baseballs from Giants games at Candlestick Park, one I caught on the fly with no glove.

6. My whole family eventually became Christians because my two sisters went to a little Baptist Sunday school in a garage with curtain dividers.

7. I had the best dad in the world. He's been gone for a long time and I am still trying to live up to his Godly example.

8. Though I have written hundreds of articles and 12 books, I do not find writing easy. Except for the occasional burst of inspiration, I usually find writing to be hard, hard work. And I find it almost impossible to do in the office.

9. I hate being picked to go on stage in shows. Once, in Branson, I was pulled on stage to be blindfolded and have knives thrown at me. (Peggy once had to wear a chicken costume on stage at the Silver Dollar Saloon in Silver Dollar City.)

10. I love to make people laugh.

11. I hosted a regular live two-and-a-half hour Christian television program. Peggy was occasionally my co-host.

12. I have been to about 70 countries but have missed many of the top tourist spots and landmarks in these countries, often spending my time in remote or out of the way places. Because of this I have been privileged to experience real life in these countries that most tourists miss.

13. I get sick on at least half of these trips.

14. Of all the various occupations I have had, my favorite was pastoring. Peggy and I pastored three churches and both loved it. This is what we have missed most since coming to Springfield.

15. My first pastorate was a home missions church that was predominantly Native American.

16. My wife and I are ailurophiles … cat lovers. We actually love all animals, including dogs, but have mostly had cats. A few months ago I rescued one that had been dumped on a trail I walk.

17. I have never been criticized as much as I have been since I came to TPE. Everything we print gets criticized by somebody. Sometimes they are not very nice. I have successfully utilized Proverbs 15:1 (“A soft answer turns away wrath”) hundreds of times.

18. For the last 12 years, we have averaged 7 salvation responses received in the TPE office every working day. For the last several months we have averaged about 12. All have been sent follow-up materials and connected to local churches.

19. I love fishing and the outdoors but have never hunted. I can't stand the thought of killing something. I fish with artificials and barbless hooks and release all my catches.

20. I sang in 2 quartets while in Bible college and am a founding member of HQ4, a quartet at AG HQ. We have sung in some national conferences, including General Council.

21. Our favorite place of all the places we have lived is Ashland, Oregon. The Rogue Valley is an incredible place to live.

22. In the 1980s, when Peggy and I were ministering in Iron Curtain countries I became seriously ill and had to fly home. I was sick and out of ministry for 4 years and felt incredibly blessed when I was strong enough to take the pastorate of another church … in Oregon. Since then, I understand suffering more and I think I have been far more compassionate. Occasionally, when the Holy Spirit prompts me, I share on this when I speak, including the severe depression I went through. I have been able to minister to many people who have gone through depression.

23. One of my favorite interviews of all time was with Dr. Bill Bright shortly before he died. What a man of God.

24. I was planning to be a CPA when I was called to full-time ministry.

25. I love photography and, though I am far from a real professional, have had photos published in travel guides and other secular publications. I have learned the secret to photography: Take tons of pictures. Digital photography can make anyone a great photographer. You don’t have to worry about wasting film. If you shoot hundreds of pictures you’re bound to come up with a good one once in a while.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mark Twain Seemed to Know Our Congress

Three classic quotes from Twain seem to apply very well today:

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."

"All Congresses and Parliaments have a kindly feeling for idiots, and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity."

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."
Twain 1
No this does not apply to all of them, just the overwhelming majority. And definitely to Congress as a whole for what they are doing to the American taxpayer.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

2008 TPE Covers

All 52 of our covers from 2008 in a slideshow.

Today's Pentecostal Evangel 2008 Covers from TPE AG on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So Long, Stormy

Finally, last night, we got a good home for Stormy (aka Gus), the little cat I rescued from being dumped on our walking trail, and who wouldn't get along with Perky. We'll miss her. She was a lot of fun, but she's got a great new owner.
Under the Spread
Stormy in Flight

Monday, February 2, 2009

Restoring Vintage Photos

One of my current projects is scanning Peggy's Mom and Dad's old photos and restoring some that have lost their color. This is a great old photo of our niece Heidi, family friend Louise Moore (now deceased), and Peggy's mom in an airport. The first shot is what the actual photo looks like now. The second shot is after basic color restoration and cropping. The third one has some additional colorizing.
Heidi, Louise, Mom
Heidi, Louise, Mom c