Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow and Ice This Wednesday

One of the 2 days AG HQ was closed this week, along with all the schools, etc.

Snow & Ice, Springfield, Missouri 1-28-09 from kj wq on Vimeo.
Snow and ice from ice storm in Springfield, Missouri, 1-28-09. Nathaniel Greene Park, Close Park, Drummond Lake. Ducks and geese walking on water (frozen).

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Carnage Has Begun: Obama Boosts Abortion

President Obama on Friday lifted a ban on federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions, reversing a policy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

This is just the beginning of the bad news for those who value tiny lives. It promises to get much, much worse as this president's radical views meet his newfound executive power backed by a partisan Congress.

When my eyes met this news item my stomach literally turned. I am so grieved at what this does and what is before us.

The Associated Press said, "Obama signed it quietly, without coverage by the media, late on Friday afternoon, a contrast to the midday signings with fanfare of executive orders on other subjects earlier in the week."

Charmaine Yoest, President & CEO of AUL Action, said, "What a terrible way to begin a new administration: with an abortion business bailout that will exploit women in developing countries for political ends. We should not export the tragedy of abortion to other nations, and we certainly shouldn't do so via the hard-earned dollars of American taxpayers."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Finally: Bush Frees Border Patrol Agents

This was a long time in coming. It has been a major disappointment with the Bush administration that this was so long in coming. It is absolutely unbelievable that something like this could happen in America:

On his last full day in office, President Bush commuted the controversial sentences of two former Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting a Mexican drug runner in 2005.

The imprisonment of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean had sparked outcry from critics who said the men were just doing their jobs and were punished too harshly. They had been sentenced to 11- and 12-year sentences, respectively.

Their sentences will now expire on March 20 of this year.

Ramos and Compean were sentenced in connection with the shooting of Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, who was shot in the buttocks while trying to flee along the Texas border. He admitted smuggling several hundred pounds of marijuana on the day he was shot and pleaded guilty last year to drug charges related to two other smuggling attempts.

The pair's case ignited debate across the country, as a chorus of organizations and members of Congress -- many of them Republican -- argued that the men were just doing their jobs. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., was particularly outspoken on the issue, at one time describing Ramos and Compean as "unjustly convicted men who never should have been prosecuted in the first place."

Nearly the entire congressional delegation from Texas and other lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle pleaded with Bush to grant them clemency. Conservatives hailed Bush's decision Monday.

"The whole thing was ridiculous from beginning to end, and two years was way too long for them to serve," said radio talk show host Laura Ingraham. "Conservatives are very happy across the country."

Read more.

Once they are freed, they will still deserve justice. The nation needs to: (1) absolve them of all guilt; (2) repay them for lost salary, as well as pain and suffering; (3) give them medals!

Peggy Update

We are still waiting on the oncologists. Peggy has been reading a lot about her disease and found that "waiting" is one of the things that is most frustrating during this process. Let's get going and get this over with is what we're thinking.

There are lots of different kinds of chemo and we don't know what kind she'll have yet.

She has had a lot of pain several days after the surgery that she was not warned about. But again, in reading online what other women have gone through, it does happen. Problem is the pain killers aren't agreeing with her. Lots of prayer helps.

Please also pray for my niece Debbie Burns who teaches in a Christian school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She just went through very serious colon surgery and got home from the hospital today. She's had severe physical problems for many years and we are praying this will be the answer.

Thanks, everyone, for your support and prayers.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Congratulations Kurt Warner & Arizona Cardinals

On going to the Super Bowl. Kurt Warner is a solid Christian with an uncompromising testimony. It is great to see him lead one of the greatest underdog playoff runs in NFL history.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Berber Music and Dance

Shot last year in the oasis of Tiout, Morocco.

The group is performing one of their hits that soared to number one on the Berber Top 40.

The Beginning of Reaching One


I took this in Niger in 2005. We may not reach everyone with the gospel. In any given mission field, at home or abroad, we may perhaps reach only one person in a group of several. There is a time when that one person first turns to consider the claims of Christ, while the others continue as if they had not heard. This is the beginning of reaching that one person for eternity.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Encouraging Words

A new FB friend, Sam Tropea, sent me this note. Please read it and the testimony that goes with it:

Prayer for Peggy, Ken. I was diagnosed with lymphoma and leukemia in 1996. Through MUCH prayer and a BMT, on Jan. 22, I celebrate my 11th year of my healing. My testimony was printed on the TPE website....

Psalm 34 and 2 Chron. 20:21 were my shelter in the time of storm. Blessings in Christ our Healer!

Read Daily Boost from 9/25/07 here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Peggy had her post-surgery follow-up with her surgeon today. We are still grateful for the good news. He says we got the best possible result from the surgery.

However, there is a disappointment. All the area between the tumors was cancerous so they are looking at what they took out as one very large tumor and it appears Peggy will need to have chemo after all. She was prepared for it, but I did not expect it.

So that purple wig may be needed after all. I told her that if she loses her hair I will shave my head. She has forbidden me to do this however. She must think I look bad enough already.

So we worked out a compromise. If she loses her hair, I will cut mine short and wear a do-rag. May need some of you bikers to help me out with this. I don't want to look funny. The do-rag will need to look good in my new TPE profile shot.

We're not happy, but you have to laugh at times like this. Beats the alternative.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Morocco Street Market

A short but illustrative clip of a stroll through a Morocco street market. From our cruise last year. Look for glimpses of Peggy and our good friend, Sherryl Ford.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Taxpayers Fund Bailouts of Companies That Fire Them

Ronald Reagan said this in his first inaugural address on Jan. 20, 1981:

"It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government. It is time for us to realize that we're too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams. We're not, as some would have us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline. I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal. Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. And let us renew our faith and our hope."

Seems to fit today. My fear is that our current situation will spawn an "excessive growth of government" that will feed the bureaucracy monster and fat cats and starve the little guy.

Just before Christmas, GM in Detroit laid a bunch of people off, including a friend of mine ... by letter ... not even allowing him to come back and pack up his own things in his office. As taxpayers, these people helped fund the bailout of the company that fired them; they could at least be treated with courtesy.

(Makes you wish Reagan were still around.)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church? A Parable

This is good. I’m not sure it’s dead-on in all its criticism but there is certainly a lot of food .. er, coffee ... for thought.

What are your thoughts? Where is it right and where is it wrong?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Good News!

We received Peggy's pathology report today. There is no cancer remaining!

She will not need chemo, though she will need extensive radiation. The radiation will reduce the risk of a recurrence of cancer.

Peggy's cousin Melba got her this high-quality, super-stylish wig to wear in case she needed the chemo. Boy, am I glad she won't have to use it.
God is so good. And ... I love my wife!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Peggy Update

As I said in a Facebook update, I am taking care of Peggy. I did really well with the hot cereal, but the macaroni & cheese was a little complicated for me. My Malt-O-Meal was perfecto; that mac & cheese, well, I just figured all the ingredients should go in right at the beginning. I was wrong. Peggy lovingly pointed out that the instructions were very clear, if I would have read them all.
This was an up-and-down day. Got to take some dressings off and she got to shower for the first time since surgery. Recurrence of pain later.

All in all, things are looking up. Anxiously awaiting tomorrow morning when we get pathology results and find (by faith) she will not need chemo or a second operation.

Thanks again to the many, many of you who have offered prayer and support.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Day After Peggy's Surgery

Peggy slept off and on through the night last night. I kept painkillers in her. Today was better earlier in the day, though she has been experiencing discomfort since afternoon.

The florist has visited often today. Thanks to all our friends and loved ones for these expressions of love. Friends have been bringing food, though Peggy hasn't been up to eating much yet.

The calls, emails and Facebook messages have been uncountable. Thank you all so much. If I have not responded to you individually yet I know you understand. We cherish every expression of love and support we have received. The song is true: I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God.

You are all the best.

Keep praying toward Friday morning when we get the results of the pathology.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Peggy Is Home

We just got home. It was a very long day. Her prep took a lot longer than expected so another surgery got in front of her. By the time they took her, the numbing was wearing off and she was in a lot of pain. They took about 30% of her breast. By sight they believe they got all the cancer. Won't know for sure until Fri. a.m. She is in a lot of pain. We're both very emotional right now, but once that and the pain wear off, we believe everything will be fine. Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Peggy's Surgery for Cancer Is Tues., Jan. 5, 11:30 a.m.

Thank you to the many, many who have contacted us, expressed support and gotten my wife, Peggy, on numerous prayer lists.

Tomorrow she has surgery for breast cancer. We are believing God for the best-case scenario, which is: They get all the cancer. Nothing shows up in lymph nodes or elsewhere. 6 weeks of radiation. No chemo. Done. Healed.
Peggy scan cr
Unfortunately we will not have the pathology right away. Not sure when we will know this.

Thank you everyone for remembering to pray for my girl tomorrow morning. She is everything to me and, while I know God will bring her through, it is hard to see her go through this. My cancer was a lot easier.

I'm glad to be a part of the family of God and grateful for all the wonderful support we receive because of it.

Bless you all.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009