Sunday, November 9, 2008

What's Ahead With Obama?

The Obama Administration (2009-2013)
by Dee Wampler

American voters have selected Barack Obama as our new president. Professing Christians who voted otherwise must now get over it. It’s a done deal. For those believing the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and who faithfully follow God’s Word--it’s time to return to work. I don’t mean let’s just go back to church, hide, and lock the door. I mean let’s go back to the culture war!

1. Christians must defend and protect all innocent babies and boldly advocate for the precious value of human life. Obama will become the most pro-abortion president ever and our nation will pay a terrible price. Obama may crush the pro-life movement as he supports the barbaric partial birth abortion procedure. Obama may expect the American people to fund unlimited abortions. It is “above his pay grade” to protect the unborn. Christians need to continue the fight.

Read the whole article here.

Attorney Dee Wampler has written for TPE. This article appeared in Ozarks Christian News, published by our friends John & Lila Sacoulas.