Sunday, November 18, 2007

Amazing Tree-Climbing Goats of Morocco

We had Casablanca removed from our itinerary due to "safety concerns," a huge disappointment for all passengers. It was the number one port the four of us, and many others, wanted to see. Felt the cruise line should have offered something in return, but no. Still, the trip to Agadir, Morroco and nearby was great.

On a tour to Tiout, we stopped to see some goats. Big deal, huh? This is one of the most incredible sights I have seen in my travels.

Tree-Climbing Goats of Morocco
Here, and here only we were told, goats climb argan trees, a main source of income for locals. The argan trees are hardy and grow where little else will, becoming the only food available for goat herds. The argan berries can't be reached from the ground so the goats have adapted, learning to climb and easily balance on thin limbs in order to reach the fruit.

A post-digestion gathering process eventually leads to argan oil which is sold for health and beauty.
Tree-Climbing Goats of Morocco
Tree-Climbing Goats of Morocco
Amazing to see.