Monday, November 12, 2007

Email to Staff

I sent this email to the TPE staff today:

Well, we're back from Spain. I expected to arrive home well rested and charged up to get back to the office. Unfortunately, an illness went through the cruise ship near the end of our voyage and we both came home with cold/flu/strep throat-type symptoms. (I know I can't expect any sympathy as I would get if this had been a working trip.) The day and a half of traveling home was miserable. Were we ever glad to touch down on the Springfield/Branson airstrip.

Aside from this, it was an immensely rejuvenating vacation. We had perfect weather in every port.

I'll be working from home so feel free to email. I won't plan to do any editing till tomorrow or Weds.

Thanks for all you did to keep TPE running smoothly while I was gone.