Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Still more adventures in flying: Delta refuses to locate passenger in wheelchair

Delta's ubiquitous delays reached an all-time low when they stranded a passenger in a wheelchair and were unwilling to assist family members in locating her. Lengthy delays prompted Peggy's attempt to get help for her mother, who was flying alone from Oregon back to Springfield, Missouri, and was using wheelchair assistance to get from place to place. Delta was callous to pleas to help locate her after several failed attempts at cell calls; they outright refused. Wheelchair passengers do not get special attention from Delta ... or even reasonable consideration. A several-hour delay made it very difficult for Peggy's mother, but amid great distress and difficulty, with no consideration from Delta, she managed to make it home. Let's hear it for Delta ... king of the callous airlines.

(The Becker-Posner Blog [http://www.becker-posner-blog.com] reported this on August 12: "The past few years, and especially this summer, has seen loud and frequent complaints against American airlines because of flight delays, cancelled flights, lost baggage, poor on-board service, overbooking, and other problems. Only 68% of airline flights were on time in June, down from 73 % a year ago, and complaints in June rose almost 43% compared with June 2006.")