Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Earthquake in Pakistan: My 2006 Report

I recently discovered that AG Relief has a copy of my Jan. 1, 2006 report on the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on their site with a lot of my photography. I don't usually load my full-sized pictures on the Internet because they are too easy to download and use. However, they have done it so I thought I would point out you can see a whole bunch of my Pakistan shots here. (Though my name is not on the photos, all of the stills are mine.)

Here's how the article begins:


By Ken Horn, 01/01/2006, Today's Pentecostal Evangel, World Missions Edition.

Editor’s note: Managing Editor Ken Horn traveled to Pakistan with a disaster assessment team that included Rick Salvato of HealthCare Ministries and Dave Wenrich of Convoy of Hope International. Following are excerpts from Horn’s journal of the trip.

PAKISTAN is reeling from the blow of a deadly magnitude 7.6 earthquake that killed tens of thousands, flattened whole communities and left millions homeless. The northern Kashmir area of the country has become a vast graveyard, with virtually no sanitation systems or clean drinking water. Millions are at risk of exposure with the advancing winter in the mountainous Himalayan region. We intend to go to the worst hit areas.

Read the whole article on the AG Relief site here.