Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Next “Pro-life” Horror Story

He is the son of Francis Schaeffer, who was a significant Christian theologian who positively influenced evangelical conservatism.

In a bitter diatribe against conservative leaders called “Why I'm Pro-life and Pro-Obama,” on huffingtonpost.com, Frank Schaeffer, rather disingenuously claims one can be both.

Not possible.

Here is how Schaeffer reconciles the two:

“Today when I listen to Obama speak (and to his remarkable wife, Michelle) what I hear is a world view that actually nurtures life. Obama is trying to lead this country to a place where the intrinsic worth of each individual is celebrated. A leader who believes in hope, the future, trying to save our planet and providing a just and good life for everyone is someone who is actually pro-life.”

Pious platitudes. Political and theological double-speak from a supposed thinker. This rationalization is so thinly veiled, no one can seriously consider this to be thoughtful, or even articulate, writing. It is propaganda, pure and simple.

“A world view that actually nurtures life”? Save us from that kind of nurture.

Save is from that kind of “intrinsic worth.”

Save us from that kind of “celebration.”

Save us from Schaeffer’s unsupported generalizations.

“A leader who believes in hope, the future, trying to save our planet and providing a just and good life for everyone is someone who is actually pro-life.” He actually said this, I’m supposing, with a straight face.

Schaeffer is saying Obama is really a good guy.

So what if he supports the calculated dismemberment of tiny human beings; so what if he coldly refuses help or even comfort to dying, suffering children whose abortions failed, opting to let them suffer through their last feeble gasps at life in a corner room on soiled linen. This doesn’t matter. After all, he “believes in hope, the future, trying to save our planet and providing a just and good life for everyone”—everyone? So a few million tiny infants must suffer and die on his watch; he’s really a good guy at heart. Obama “is actually pro-life.”


Frank Schaeffer has departed, more than once, from the path of his famous, Godly father. One of those departures led him into the movie industry where he made B-rated horror flicks.

He’s at it again, contending against his dad’s legacy, not just with his anti-pro-life stand, but also with his lack of intellectual reasoning. His editorial reads like a script for one of his horror flicks. The evil scientist beckons: “Come into my parlor. Don’t be afraid. I am good and kindly … and actually pro-life.”

I fear the next horror story is being written now. It’s called “The Obama Presidency.”

For the sake of countless tiny lives, I hope it is never released.