Continuing with Danny's words:
My mom and dad both knew well the price and blessing of being Pentecostals and they infused these values into both my sister and me growing up. My mom started in ministry at the age of nine as a church piano player, Sunday School teacher and secretary. She obtained a license with the Assemblies of God in 1983. My dad was also very active in ministry throughout his military career and became an Exhorter with the Assemblies of God in 1960 while stationed with the Air Force in Nebraska. He was ordained the same year that my mom was licensed. Together, they have pastored and pioneered several A/G churches and have close to 100 years of combined ministry experience. Three years ago, my mom and dad planted Christian Life Center in Douglas AZ at the young age of 65 and 69 respectively. They are now involved as presbyters and committee members in launching the Arizona Latin District Council, the first Latino state district council in the Assemblies of God. Both parents were bivocational ministers throughout their public service careers. My mom retired from the Federal Government after serving in three separate agencies and my dad retired with over 30 years in the military, after serving one stint in the Air Force and two separate in the Army.
Through the prayers and miraculous experiences of our two families, Martha and I grew up with a keen sense of mission to help spread the same revival fires that transformed our families. Our main conduit to do this has been our online ministry, Light the Fire Ministries, which we have maintained continuously since 2000. The highlight of our online ministry has been the launching of Jesus the Baptist, a loose collection of essays, notes, and discussions about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Martha and I have always been risk takers and big idea people. The Baptist definitely fits this mold by offering a whole new way of looking at Pentecost in what I like to call "quantum pneumechanics." Much fasting, prayer, and sola scriptura research went into The Baptist. We hope that readers see that these new perspectives support the long-established cardinal doctrines and ordinances of our beloved church. On a side note, I would have to write a book to fully detail the Holy Spirit and angelic experiences, as well as trials that occurred during the two-year journey in bringing this project to fulfillment.
To be concluded.